Sunday, February 16

The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.

Education in the SLVTeachers at Moffat Schools listen to a presenter during their Capturing Kids’Hearts training in August. photo from Moffat Schools Facebook page427 East First St., Salida • 539-6142❖ Emergencies Welcome

Moffat Consolidated School District
announced the following new
hires for the coming school year.
Kevin Schouweiler
Master of Education + 12 hours of administration
I have taught Secondary Mathematics,
College Exploration & Career,
and Principles of Arts, Audio, Video,
Technology, & Communication courses.
My family and I are coming here
from New Braunfels, Texas. We resided
there for the last 5 years. Prior to
that, we are originally from Clarksville,
Arkansas within the Arkansas River
Valley area. Our plans are to build a
house in the Baca Grants area. We are
super excited to be here in this community
and look forward to building a
community together.
Favorite quotes:
“Never be afraid to do something
new. Remember, amateurs built the
Ark; professionals built the Titanic.”
“Our work is the presentation of
our capabilities.”
Dylan Schouweiler
Bachelor of Arts in History
Pursuing Master’s of Education in Instructional
Technology and Design
My teaching background is in Special
Education EC-12 (Early Childhood
to 12th Grade) in the State of Texas. My
hopes in the upcoming year is to build
a sense of community and develop
strong morale between students, parents/
guardians, and teachers.
Favorite quote:
“To help someone because they
ask for it isn’t merely grace, but a gesture.
To help an enemy who has stolen
from you is grace unmerited, for what
did he earn to deserve grace?” A.W.
This quote gets me through a lot
of difficult moments when I believe I
am deserving of something; when the
reality is if we think we are deserving
of something we lose sight of the true
meaning of our existence. To be there
for others and not to satiate our own
“wants” in life.
Christa Schouweiler
Bachelor of Arts in English Education
and Master of Arts in English and
I have been certified to teach
Secondary English, Secondary ESL,
Secondary Science, and Journalism.
Much of my English teaching has
been college level classes and College
Board classes. I have been a committee
member of the Texas Education
Agency to help build standards for a
new certification area of Special Education/
I was also named Teacher of the
Year at my former school district in
Texas (30,000 students) and was a
nominee for the District Teacher of
the Year. I look forward to working at
Moffat for many years to come…already
feels like family! I am so excited
to build friendships in the community
and learn more about the area.
Favorite quote…Jeremiah 29:11
Christina Chavez
After twelve years of primary education
here in beautiful Moffat,CO; I
received my Bachelors Degree locally
at Adams State University. My focus
is in art education, but I strive to help
students find a sense of individuality
and personality in this ever growing
world. Art is a perfect way to reflect
who we are on the inside; I encourage
all students to allow themselves to
seep through the brushes.
As we learn who we are we must be
vulnerable to choice, to challenge, and
to change.
As Miss Frizzle would say: “ Take
chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy!”
Sarah DeLeon
As a new addition to the Moffat
School team, School Counselor Sarah
Deleon brings a wealth of experience
to developing career pathway
programs and preparing youth for the
transition from the classroom to college
and beyond.
While studying during undergrad,
she served as an Academic Advisor
at Texas State University at San Marcos
where she found a deep passion
for developing creative ways to utilize
study abroad programs to save
on costs while becoming a student of
the world. In her previous role as the
Youth Programs Coordinator for the
National Park Service of the Southeast
region, she worked to spread awareness
of the variety of youth conservation
corps opportunities and best
practices for landing a career within
the federal government specifically
for high school and college-aged students.
When not in her office, Sarah can
often be found barreling down a hill
on her mountain bike in the summer
or hitting the slopes on her snowboard
in the winter.
Maria Derrick
Bachelor of Science in Elementary
Education and a Master’s in Curriculum
I have taught K-12 in all subject
areas for 15 years as well as yearbook
and have coached volleyball.
I have lived in Moffat for the past 2
years as I worked as a RN in Salida but
prior to that my family and I lived outside
of Denver and came to Colorado
from the Kansas City area.
Our plans are to have the rest of our
family move here in the next few years.
We love our little community and all
that it offers and look forward to many
more years between the mountains!
Adelante benefits students
Moffat School will benefit from donations
from the Adelante Family Resource
Center and Saguache County.
Moffat students PreK-12th grade
will not need to buy basic school supplies
unless their student is wanting
something specific.
Families will still need to purchase
gym shoes for students in PE, Archery,
or Weight Lifting. All elementary students
(K-5th) will have PE every day
and secondary students who chose
PE, Archery, or Weightlifting as an
For more information or if you
have questions reach out to the front
office at 719-745-0500.

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