Women’s Bible Study
Crestone Baptisit ChurchThursday mornings 9am at the Crestone Baptist Church
The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.
Thursday mornings 9am at the Crestone Baptist Church
The Crestone Food Bank distributes free food every Thursday from 3pm to 5:30pm. All are welcome!
Free Food Pantry at the Baca Library every Friday
Come learn the basic tenets of aromatherapy and experience the purest essential oils on the market. Contact Julia for location. younglivingjulia@proton.me
Traditional Silent Worship Little Shepard Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall
Sunday school classes for adults and children 10am and Service at 11am.
Join us for an inspiring message and music, and you are welcome to stay for coffee hour afterward. Hope to see you there!
Lynn Drake will be showing her work at the Shumei Gallery in Crestone for the months of January, February, and March. A symposium with Lynn will be held on Sunday, […]
Sufi Dhikr is an opportunity to join with others in a circle of love that creates the experience of the Oneness that we truly are. We pray, chant, & sing […]
Mondays:  9:30-10:45am Qigong-Yoga RadiantFlow Yoga is a vibrant, engaging exchange of movement, breath, body, and essence through Yogic and QiGong teachings. Emerge from each class …. with a lasting peace and […]