Ashram On-Line Holiday Auction
A great way to support the Ashram and also receive wonderful items and gifts at great prices. Many "Buy Now" items as well.
The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.
Join the men from Crestone Baptist Church at the Elephant Cloud in Crestone Wednesday's at 8am.
Every Wednesday at the Little Shepherd Church, Eden supplies laptops, books, DVDs, newspapers and any requested materials from the Baca Grande Library. If you have questions or would like to make a request call the Baca Grande Library at 719-256-4100.
Weekly Meetings, Open to all. Wednesdays at the Library 1 p.m. This is a national organization, we are the local chapter. Indivisible aims to mitigate the effects of MAGA forces. In this election year we have a booth at local events, write letters, and support candidates. Join us, there is lots to do.
All welcome to join us for Bible study Wednesday's at 6pm at Crestone Baptist Church.
The Crestone Food Bank distributes free food every Thursday from 3pm to 5:30pm. All are welcome!
Free Food Pantry at the Baca Library every Friday
Come learn the basic tenets of aromatherapy and experience the purest essential oils on the market. Contact Julia for location.
Quaker Meeting: traditional silent worship Little Shepard of the Hills Episcopal Church, Fellowship Hall call or text 719 293 1566 or visit OR for more information
Traditional Silent Worship Little Shepard Episcopal Church Fellowship Hall