Saturday, January 25

The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.

Notice of Public Hearing on Petition for Inclusion of Real Property in the Baca Grande Water and Sanitation District

Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that a Petition for Inclusion of Real Property has been filed with the Board of Directors of the Baca Grande Water and Sanitation District on the 7th day of June, 2024. 

The Board of Directors has set Wednesday, September 25th at the hour of 9:00 A.M. during its regularly scheduled Board meeting held through video conferencing and at 57 Baca Grant Way, S. Crestone, CO 81131 as the date, and time of an open meeting, at which said Petition shall be heard.

The property to be included is described as follows:

Lot 1512-C, Baca Grande, Grants Unit One, according to Resolution 2019-LU-49 and the Vacation Plat of Lot 1512-C as recorded in the real property records of Saguache County, Colorado at reception number 389115, County of Saguache, State of Colorado. 

The name and address of the Petitioner are: Jean Pierre Lewis and Cynthia Jean Eiden, 620 S. 43rd Street, Boulder, CO 80305, and with a property address for inclusion of 1512 Antelope Way, Crestone, Colorado 81131.

All interested persons and any municipality or county which may be able to provide service to the real property described above shall appear at said time and place to show cause in writing why such Petition should not be granted.

By Order of the Board of Directors of Baca Grande Water and Sanitation District.

By: s/ Vivia Lawson

Board President

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