Mayor Kairina Danforth bids farewell

NewsCrestone, Baca Grande & Casita ParkMayor Kairina Danforth bids farewell
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My last month as Crestone mayor

I came to the Baca in 1999, with my husband, to retire and live a contemplative life. Never, by background nor by inclination, was I a politician. Rather, I came to Crestone to “find enlightenment” and to reinvent myself.

  We lived first in the Baca for four years before moving my Mother here to live with us due to failing health. We were unable at that time to find a home in the Baca which could provide a wheel-chair entrance and found the home in Crestone in 2003, which worked perfectly, and where I still live. 

It was only at the request of a local resident that I became elected as a trustee in 2006 and at the request of Kizzen Laki, then mayor, that I became a candidate for mayor in 2012 and was subsequently elected.

  Now, as of April 2, 2024, my time as mayor will come to an end. As I look back at these past 18 years, I am excited to recognize contributions like bringing state recognition as a creative district and the resulting recognition of our many creatives that it brought; bringing for the first time actual walking trails for residents and visitors with association maintenance and promotion, bringing working relationships with county, valley, regional and statewide organizations; and bringing designation as an International Dark Sky community. 

The two projects I most enjoyed were the work to create our Rights of Nature resolution and a project with Crestone Films to create “A Place of the Heart.” Most of all, I want to thank all my friends, co-workers, town board trustees, and valley board members who have supported me and the many projects spanning this time. I could have done nothing without the help of others. Thank you, one and all.

In Gratitude,

Kairina Danforth

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