Sunday, February 16

The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.

Tag: Health

Traditional Tamale & Masa-Making with SLV Farm

Join us for an evening in Mexico and experience the rich traditions of tamale and masa-making in a workshop demonstration with Vickie of SLV...

A Farm-to-Table Valentine’s Evening with The Camel Chick

Join us for a lovely evening of local flavors and sweet treats at A Farm-to-Table Evening with The Camel Chick—a Valentine’s experience open to...

SOIL Sangre de Cristo Annual “Speaker Series”

SOIL Sangre de Cristo Annual “Speaker Series” featuring Nicola Twilley, author of “Frostbite, How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet and Ourselves”. Virtual events are...

Crestone Food Bank Distribution

The Crestone Food Bank distributes free food every Thursday from 3pm to 5:30pm. All are welcome!

Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement Lessons

The Feldenkrais Method is based on principles of physics, martial arts, biomechanics, and an understanding of learning and human development. Its effectiveness lies in...

Smoke: Baca Grande Ambulance organizes Mental Health and Wellness fairs

By Christina Lakish. People almost never want to see Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), but here’s a great reason to connect with local first responders:  The Baca...

Navigating the Vortex: Self-care isn’t selfish

By Gina M. Barrett. Why is it that when someone you know goes on vacation or declines a request of your time, you sometimes feel...

SOIL Sangre de Cristo February “Speaker Series”

SOIL Sangre de Cristo will host a "Speaker Series" on February 7, 7-8 pm via Zoom. Guest Speaker is Devon Peña, founder of the Acequia...

Few mental health care options in the San Luis Valley

By Amelia Stern Behavioral health issues, especially anxiety, alcohol use, and substance use disorders, rose dramatically as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and experts...

State Mental Health Safety Net is “Failing” Coloradans. Will planned reforms fix or further the problems?

This investigation is part of the ongoing “On Edge” series about Colorado’s mental health by the Colorado News Collaborative, the nonprofit that unites more...

There’s No Such Thing As A Weed: Winter Solstice self-care

by Dorje Root, RH (AHG). It’s been a year. There are probably very few of us who have escaped anxiety, worry and stress. So now...

There’s No Such Thing as a Weed: Making Herbal Cough Syrups

By Dorje Root, RH (AHG). When I was a kid, my mom used to make lemon honey syrup.  It’s very simple: you mix approximately equal...

There’s No Such Thing As a Weed: Maurice Mességué & the power of Cabbage

by Dorje Root, RH (AHG). Every herbalist has his or her own favorite herbs, favorite formulas, and favorite methods of application.  I have relied a...

There’s No Such Thing as a Weed: Herbs for winter health

By Dorje Root, RH (AHG). It often seems that we head into autumn and winter still running from the activity of summer.  It sometimes takes...

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