Sunday, February 16

The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.


Saguache County Election information

A coordinated election is one that the County Clerk and Recorder conducts on behalf of two or more political subdivisions that are hosting an election on the same day in November. Specifically, for a coordinated election to take place, theelection must: Have more than one political subdivision holding an election (state, county, municipality, school District, or special district); Take place on the same day in November; and The eligible voters either are the same for each election or live in overlapping subdivision boundaries. Generally, the November oddyear election is referred to as the coordinated election. And like all elections in Colorado, coordinated elections...

Baca Grande committee plans appeal

Residents in favor of incorporating the Town of Baca Grande are planning to file a second petition after Judge Crista L. Newmyer-Olsen dismissed the first petition, citing four basic areas where the petitioners failed to fulfill the necessary legal requirements of forming a town. The Baca Grande Property Association (BGPOA) had requested the motion to dismiss. Supporters of the petition are addressing these issues as they prepare to file a second time. One issue is the requirement that the owner of three 40-acre parcels included within the proposed boundaries must grant permission for having these properties included. The three tracts...

Motion to Dismiss Petition to Form Town of Baca Grande Granted

The local effort to create the town of Baca Grande faced a setback in court on Monday. On January 30, Saguache County District Court granted the Baca Grande POA’s motion to dismiss the Petition to Form a Town filed by Citizens for Proposed Town of Baca Grande. The order granting the POA’s motion to dismiss states that the petition to form the Town of Baca Grande “does not meet the requirements of incorporation statutes.”

An open letter from the directors of the Baca Grande Property Owners Association to all members

The following statement was sent to The Eagle from the Baca Grande Property Owners Association regarding the proposed Town of Baca Grande. Dear BGPOA Members: We, your board of directors, have been conversing with many of you and continue to hear your thoughts regarding the pending petition to form a town , which has been filed in the Saguache County District Court. Some of you have asked us for clarification on details, some have already done your own research to form opinions, some have inquired about the underlying motivation of the petition, and some are uncertain or concerned about what may happen....

Will the Baca Grande subdivision become the Town of Baca Grande?

A group of local citizens filed a petition with the District Court on August 8 for the incorporation of the Town of Baca Grande, the boundaries of which would be the same as the existing Baca Grande Property Owners Association (BGPOA). A judge is reviewing the petition and will make certain all legal requirements have been met. Presuming that the requirements are met, a municipal election on this proposal will be scheduled and held sometime in the upcoming few months. Eligible voters will be all those registered to vote in Saguache County and residing in the Baca. Renters as well...

Governor Polis calls Renewable Water Resources scheme a “zombie threat”: An Eagle exclusive interview with the state governor

Colorado Governor Jared Polis spoke to Crestone Eagle Editor John Waters in a wide-ranging interview on September 22 that included the proposal by Renewable Water Resources to export water from the San Luis Valley to Douglas County, the governor’s initiative, the Heat Beneath our Feet to increase energy production from geothermal sources, the possibilities of agrivoltaics in the San Luis Valley, the affects of decreased cannabis tax revenues and a possible bid for the White House in 2024. Polis began the interview by saying he is “super-excited” the Crestone Eagle is now a non-profit. POLIS: Congrats on the non-profit model ....

Many longtime Moffat residents consider proposal to change town’s name half-baked

Last month, Moffat made national headlines when a marijuana entrepreneur proposed changing the name of the town to “Kush,” a nickname for a strain of weed originally from Afghanistan. Mike Biggio, one of the proprietors of the wholesale marijuana grow company Area 420, is the lead proponent of the name change. Biggio convinced the town board to meet June 7 to discuss the idea, which attracted national media attention and also fired up many locals. “Marijuana-fueled town considers new name: Kush,” announced the Washington Post. National Public Radio went with “Colorado town wants to change its name to Kush,” which is...

Alamosa City Council votes to expend funds on recall of DA—Victims of violent crime are heard

Crime is on the rise in Colorado, and citizens in the San Luis Valley are dissatisfied with the local District Attorney, Alonso Payne, skirting justice by allegedly granting “sweetheart” deals to perpetrators of serious crimes. On March 16, the Alamosa City Council voted to fund the recall of DA Payne. The one “no” vote came from Councilman Charlie Griego, who stated his support for the recall, but not using taxpayers’ dollars to fund it. Neither DA Payne nor any 12th Judicial District staff attended the meeting. The city council’s move will allow city staff to now work on the recall election...

Baca Grande committee plans appeal

Residents in favor of incorporating the Town of Baca Grande are planning to file...

Motion to Dismiss Petition to Form Town of Baca Grande Granted

The local effort to create the town of Baca Grande faced a setback in...

An open letter from the directors of the Baca Grande Property Owners Association to all members

The following statement was sent to The Eagle from the Baca Grande Property Owners...

Will the Baca Grande subdivision become the Town of Baca Grande?

A group of local citizens filed a petition with the District Court on August...

Governor Polis calls Renewable Water Resources scheme a “zombie threat”: An Eagle exclusive interview with the state governor

Colorado Governor Jared Polis spoke to Crestone Eagle Editor John Waters in a wide-ranging...

Many longtime Moffat residents consider proposal to change town’s name half-baked

Last month, Moffat made national headlines when a marijuana entrepreneur proposed changing the name...

Alamosa City Council votes to expend funds on recall of DA—Victims of violent crime are heard

Crime is on the rise in Colorado, and citizens in the San Luis Valley...

Preliminary Results in for The Town of Crestone Election

The Town of Crestone's preliminary election results are in. Please see the below abstract...

District Attorney Alonso Payne found noncompliant with Victims’ Rights Act

The office of Attorney General Phil Weiser is investigating reports that the 12th Judicial...

POA news: New board is seated

The regularly scheduled Baca Grande Property Owners’ Association (POA) Board meeting was held via...

County emergency resolution rescinded because of protests

(Note: the observations here are mine; not those of The Crestone Eagle. I have...

POA news: New board members elected 

The annual POA membership meeting was held on Friday, October 8 at 7pm live...

Redistricting challenges heard by Colorado Supreme Court; San Luis Valley & District 3 see changes

In response to the new census numbers, public officials have to redraw the maps...

Saguache plans senior housing facility

Senior housing efforts are expanding. For older residents, the need for more housing in...

Ken Salazar confirmed as new ambassador to Mexico

San Luis Valley native Ken Salazar was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate as...

Colorado’s Red Flag Law one year later. How did it go?

In 2020, the first full year of implementation of the controversial Red Flag Law,...

Power, racism, morality & crime: The history of abortion in the United States

“Enforced motherhood is the most complete denial of a woman’s right to life and...

Saguache County, State of Colorado, place marijuana taxes on the ballot

Mail ballots will be arriving soon. The November 2 ballot for voters in Saguache...

Significant tax savings for Colorado residents may be seen

The state of Colorado anticipates it will take in 11.4% more revenue this fiscal...