Tuesday, January 14

The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.

POA news: New board members elected 

The annual POA membership meeting was held on Friday, October 8 at 7pm live at the POA Hall. Joanna Theriault and Mark Repp, the retiring board members, were present, as was the association attorney, David Graff, who presided over the hour-long event. The primary purpose of the meeting was to count the votes and seat the two new members, provided a quorum (pre-set percentage of the membership that needs to vote) was met. The quorum was easily met and Diego Martinez and Dale Halley were the two winners. They will join Steve Dossenback, Ed Sbarbaro, and Sugandha Brooks as Board members immediately. Steve Dossenback has moved to the east coast but has decided to stay on via Zoom and finish the last year of his term, if possible. He will give up being president but plans on being a full board member.

The chairs were set up several feet apart and there was plenty of room for the fifteen property owners and five POA employees and board members. The board plans to stay with remote meetings via Zoom but remains open to going back to in-person meetings when it seems safe enough.

A Member in Good Standing Amendment was sent out by the POA in October to those of us on their automatic mailing list. This is an amendment that was produced in a closed door session of the POA board in July and goes into effect on November 1. The current Board has determined that “the administrative cost of determining Members in Good Standing is too costly.” A Member in Good Standing is defined to be “any owner whose dues, interest, liens, fines, collection fees, late charges, attorney fees, and any other assessments are paid up and current. An owner who is in a payment plan is not a Member in Good Standing.” The POA may determine that an owner is not a Member in Good Standing without providing notice or a hearing to the Owner in question. The list of forfeited rights and privileges that those who lose their Good Standing is too long to list here but is available for the asking from the POA office.

There was no regularly scheduled POA Board meeting this month but they will be back on schedule in November, probably the third Thursday of the month. Check the calendar in the Eagle for the exact date and time.

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