Crestone Energy Fair slated for September, works with town

NewsCrestone, Baca Grande & Casita ParkCrestone Energy Fair slated for September, works with town
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By Anya Kaats.

The Crestone Energy Fair (CEF), which returns this year for its 35th year, has remained a pillar of Crestone’s commitment to natural and regenerative building and living. 

Through hands-on workshops, educational seminars, and on-going learning opportunities centered around highlighting visionary energy systems, building technologies and sustainable lifestyles, the CEF has become a reliable resource not only for the local community, but also for attendees who travel to Crestone from across the country to learn from the best.

The theme of this year’s event is “Rooting Forward” highlighting the CEF’s commitment to finding common ground, reaching across the aisle and growing strong roots in order to move forward as a grounded, unified collective. 

The fair is slated for Sept. 14-15, at the town park, in Crestone.  

This year, an appointed liaison from the CEF team will be working directly with the Crestone Board of Trustees and a special events committee to ensure town residents’ concerns related to noise, parking, traffic, and security are thoroughly addressed. 

Lydia Sprouts, head of booking for CEF expressed her excitement. “I’m glad that we’ve come to a place where we can work together with the town board & new town committee to create a standard for hosting events that people can count on. With new guidelines in place, the CEF team is looking forward to keeping our event within the limits of these mutual agreements.”

Information about presenter & musician applications, vendor applications, and home tour registration will be announced in the coming months. 

To learn more, visit

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