Love of power over reason

Letters to the EditorLove of power over reason
by [publishpress_authors_data]

Dear Editor:

If you question why the American public seems so unhappy with the current state of affairs, I believe you need look no further than the Congress and more specifically the Republican majority in the House of Representatives. When the Biden Administration asked for additional funding for the Ukraine, they were told by the Republicans in the House, that they first had to present legislation addressing the immigration problem. 

The Senate did just that, and on a bipartisan basis came up with the first piece of major legislation on immigration since the proposal from the Gang of 8 (four Republicans & 4 Democrats in the Senate) a decade ago.

  The response from the Republicans in the House was that they would not bring that legislation to the floor for a vote since their candidate for President told them to not address immigration. His reasoning was that the immigration issue was one he wanted to use to attack the Biden Administration.

Passing legislation that would address the issue would benefit the public, but would remove an attack issue for his campaign.

  To me a political party that decides to not address legislation that would benefit the public because it would not benefit one of their candidates, is reflecting just their love of power rather than working in the public good and reflecting the power of love of country.

  Sincerely, Don Thompson

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