Sunday, May 19

The Crestone Eagle is a nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone and the San Luis Valley

Sunflower’s column now available for online subscription

By The Crestone Eagle staff.

Thousands from around the world have been enjoying Out & About with Lori Sunflower in The Crestone Eagle for the last eight years and now this treasured collection of Crestone residents has been an online version of this column with the introduction of Each month, Lori Nagel (Sunflower) interviews 6-12 people about a specific topic. She asks thought-provoking questions that have inspired so many, making her column such a positive addition to the community. 

     When asked what her favorite topic has been, Nagel responded, “Although I’ve loved all of them for different reasons, my overall favorite was How is kindness contagious? The pay-it-forward stories I heard that month deeply warmed my heart.” Over the years, Nagel has gotten requests to somehow make all of her past columns public, and she has opted for an online format, easily accessible around the globe.

     January of each year is free to all. Beyond that, there’s a one-time fee to become a member, with additional options available for signed prints of Out&About photos (or a scenic of choice) and to have new monthly columns emailed as they’re completed each month. 

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