Editor’s note: The primary election is June 25. The Eagle will post results to The Crestone Eagle website as soon as they are available. This is the last set of endorsements received by press time presented in alternating endorsements.
Dear Editor,
We are writing to express our enthusiastic endorsement of Adam Kinney for Saguache County Commissioner. Having had the privilege of living in Crestone since 2015, we have had the opportunity to work closely with Adam in various capacities. Armando has collaborated with Adam as a member of the Crestone Board of Trustees, as a fellow firefighter and many years ago as his employee. Christine knows Adam through his work on the construction of our home and in her role as a teacher at the Crestone Charter School where she taught Adam’s children.
Adam Kinney is an honorable individual who exemplifies fairness and demonstrates deeply rooted humanitarian motives. His dedication to our community is evident through his participation at the charter school, always showing up when needed and by taking a balanced approach to government; prioritizing the general well-being of our community as a whole.
Adam brings fresh, innovative ideas to the table, particularly in the realms of energy independence and community sustainability. His vision for the future of Crestone and Saguache County aligns with the thoughtful, responsible and fiscally sound changes we must make in order to thrive.
We firmly believe that Adam Kinney’s leadership will greatly benefit our community and we urge our fellow residents to support his candidacy for Saguache County Commissioner.
Armando Mendez
Trustee, Town of Crestone