If you’ve been in Crestone for a while chances are you have visited Little Shepherd in the Hills Episcopal church. It’s just north of Crestone Town Hall on Alder Street. The old log cabin at the back of the property is the chapel where worship services are conducted twice a month. The well-used fellowship hall is on the north and the beautiful community garden is on the south side of the churchyard.
Volunteers help Ginny Ducale with the community garden, which grows more productive each summer. Much of the produce goes to the Crestone Food Bank. Volunteers usually prepare a lunch with gar- den vegetables and take home extra produce for themselves and friends.
You may have come to one of the open-to-everyone meals prepared by Nick Nevares and his crew of helpers. Nick has offered Indian, Mexican, Italian food and breakfast at the fellowship hall the last few summers. During COVID he prepared complete Thanksgiving dinners to go, distributed from the fellowship hall.
The fellowship hall facilitates a Colorado South Central Seniors (CSSC) lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday providing a space for Crestone seniors to enjoy food and fellowship.
The Little Shepard offers Care and Share food, an AA meeting on Mondays at 6:30 p.m., and a Crestone End of Life (CEOLP) meeting at the fellowship hall. These and other community-based activities take place frequently at Little Shepherd.
We, the Little Shepherd congregation, joyfully host these events because we believe a church should be engaged in the community and use its resources to serve the community’s needs. This is not unique to Little Shepherd, of course. Many churches and spiritual centers offer resources that make a significant contribution to their communities. We are fortunate to be in downtown Crestone where there are few available venues, and it is our honor and privilege to offer our fellowship hall for community use.
If you are exploring a variety of spiritual paths, we invite you to come to a worship service in our historic little chapel the first and third Sundays at 2 p.m. The Episcopal Church is a progressive Christian denomination with a long, rich tradition rooted in scripture and ritual. It is also a warm, welcoming, inclusive church which affirms the dignity and equality of all human beings and welcomes all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age or any other reason. We celebrate the ordination of women and are open and affirming to LGBTQ+ people.
We welcome diverse opinions and inquiring minds because we believe that, whether we agree on a particular topic or not, we can have thoughtful and respectful discussions. Come as you are and join us in worship, fellowship, and
outreach. You may find a spiritual home that gives you a sense of meaning, belonging and purpose. At Little Shepherd, everyone is welcome. No exceptions.