Saturday, July 27

The Crestone Eagle is a nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone and the San Luis Valley

On the Shoulders of…Maia Chrystine Nartoomid

By Chantelle Pence

Every mother has a tremendous impact on the life of her child. Besides allowing passageway to the earth, a mother’s words and actions serve to shape the next generation. I sat with local mystic Maia Chrystine Nartoomid, at her mountain home, and felt the presence of her mother. “She was my earth guardian,” Maia said. “I wouldn’t be doing this work if it hadn’t been for her.” 

It’s hard to describe exactly what Maia’s work is, as it’s outside of the scope of average life. Born an only child to a mother who was 45, Maia has struggled with health challenges her entire life. Between scoliosis, which is painful and limits her freedom of movement, and spiritual gifts that came online as a young child, Maia never lived a “normal” life. 

Maia was only 4 years old when she first began telling her mother, Doris, about civilizations that had existed before. Maia drew pictures on napkins to show her mother what had been revealed to her. Doris did not discourage her daughter or try to steer her away from what could have been seen as an overactive imagination. Instead, she began writing down Maia’s revelations. Doris documented her 6-year-old daughter saying, “I think we could see a great deal more if we believed more.” Doris’s commitment to her daughter’s unique path was unwavering.

Edgar Cayce was one of the few well-known clairvoyants at the time, and the only example that Maia’s mother could identify to explain what her daughter was doing. She did further research and decided they needed to reach out to Edgar Mitchell, a NASA astronaut and the founder of the Institute for Noetic Sciences. Mitchell invited the mother/daughter duo to NASA, all expenses paid, and validated Maia’s extraordinary abilities. Maia continued to meet with Mitchell for several months, and told him about her experiences with other life forms, which she calls “Ultra-Beings.” Mitchell, who was just beginning his research into visitations from other worlds, was not keen on the idea at the time — though later in life he became an advocate for such knowledge. 

A conversation with Maia is an otherworldly experience. I can’t say I understood everything she spoke of. But I felt no disturbance within me during our conversation. She’s the real deal, I thought. This is saying a lot, for a skeptic like me. I told Maia that I often poke fun at Crestone’s spiritual scene and am a bit wary. “I understand,” she said, with friendly ease. I noted that she is grounded. She is a devoted scientist, educator, artist, and creator of many works. A multitude of videos have been produced in which she shares the information she receives. She also provides one-on-one sessions with individuals seeking counsel, and creates personalized works of art. She has written books, including a recently released children’s book titled The Colored Bird.

“The children being born are setting the new frequency,” Maia said. She spoke of the next generation, and those who will be raising and teaching them. Her own mother safeguarded Maia’s path, so she could fully develop her abilities. 

The next wave of spiritually gifted children will need just as much protection, and Maia is confident that there is more awareness, now, for children who are born different. She is keen on protecting and guiding the light bearers and said that Crestone is a place for such beings. 

She described the San Luis Valley as a place where people come to stabilize their frequency. “You can lift your vibration and stream it out to others,” she said. When asked about advice for newcomers, Maia suggested that folks would do well to “Leave your ambitious ego at the door. The ego is a good thing, but it needs to be informed by the higher realm. Your spirit is speaking to you in a language that goes beyond 3D reality. You need to let it do its business, unimpeded.” She said that sometimes people get big ideas that are ego-driven, and it slaps them in the face. “We have to realize that we pay the consequences of every decision.”

Maia said she is not part of some elite group; she has struggles like any other. But she has been privy to some incredible information and findings. She was a link in returning a sacred tablet to the Hopi, one of the oldest living cultures in documented history. Indigenous cultures from around the world have stories of star beings and tales of ancient civilizations, as well as prophecies that are unfolding. When traditional Native storytellers speak of such things, it sounds normal. Down to earth. There is no self-seeking recognition in the human who was trained for such things. Maia has those same qualities. 

Even though Maia’s work is focused on the spiritual, she is easygoing and practical. She credits her mother, who was her protector and friend, for her work ethic. Doris was not overly religious, but she shared biblical stories with Maia, and offered insight into the story of Jesus and how he spit on clay before applying it to a blind man’s eyes. He had supernatural power, but he still worked in the physical. Whenever they were faced with an issue that required action, not just blind faith, Doris would tell her daughter, “Time to spit in the clay!”

“We have to take action,” Maia said. “Don’t just talk about it. Do something. Be committed. Too many people give lip service to ideas, but fail to follow through. The universe doesn’t expect perfection, but we have to show up.” She closed with words given to her by her star kin. “Fear not. Rise up. You were born to do this.”

More information about Maia can be found at Her authorized biography is titled A Mystic’s Journey through the Stars, by Vera Lauren, and is available on Amazon.

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