Sunday, February 16

The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.

Town budget audit now due by end of month

By Matt Lit, managing editor
Photo Matt Lit

September 11 has come and gone and the promise of an audit presentation by the town’s certified public accountant did not occur. While there was a discussion with the CPA, it happened much later in the meeting and revolved around the topic of creating an audit for the 2022 budget—not a completed audit.

That goal—still unrealized as yet—would provide the town with a solid set of numbers upon which to base its promised amended 2023 budget. The accountant preparing the audit is Lenny Merriam, CPA, CFE, PLLC, based out of Cañon City, CO.

According to Scott Ehresman, interim town administrator, there may have been
misunderstanding as to what the presentation would be. He added that the audit is now due Sept. 30 “(The CPA) committed that he’s going to have the (2022) audit ready for us by the end of the month.” There is a special meeting scheduled to approve the audit, Sept. 27.

That audit is expected to provide an accurate starting balance to base an amended 2023 budget on. “When he audits 2022 there will be no more need to discuss the accuracy of the starting balances (for 2023), Ehresman added.

Additionally, a draft of the 2024 town budget is due on Oct. 15. This doesn’t need to be a completed budget, simply the beginnings of one, according to Ehresman.

The board did appoint a budget committee to work on a 2024 first draft to be ready by the town’s next monthly regular meeting. Ehresman said the committee will begin by using the best planning numbers they have and will be able to “factor in” the audited numbers.

Town Trustee, Adam Kinney and newly-appointed Dennis Posluszny will head that committee. Ehresman will also be on the committee in his role as interim administrator. The town would like to see community members step up and serve on this committee. At Monday’s meeting, Warren Stephen, a vocal proponent for getting town budgetary and financial matters cleaned up, was asked to join. Stephen said he has not committed as yet and is still considering the invitation.

For more information contact Scott Ehresman at

Attempts to reach Merriam were not returned as of press time for this story. An updated story is planned for the October print issue of The Crestone Eagle.

Read our coverage of the August 21 town meeting here:

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