Thursday, September 19

The Crestone Eagle is a trusted nonprofit monthly newspaper serving Crestone, the San Luis Valley, Colorado & beyond. Our mission is to connect each other, one story at a time.

Pipe-Wielding Suspect Fatally Shot by Deputy in Crestone

By Matt Lit.This story was updated 8/03/2024 at 4:24 p.m. Aug. 3, 2024–Crestone-Baca–A Saguache County Sheriff’s deputy fatally shot a suspect July 25 on Camino Baca Grande, near the Baca Fire Station.  On July 29, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation identified the suspect as 40-year-old Jonathan Wood, of the Baca.  The deputy’s body camera footage, released by the Sheriff’s Office Aug. 2, showed him approach Wood, who was walking southeast along the road. The deputy attempted to talk to Wood. Wood was carrying bundles on a 4-foot piece of copper plumbing pipe. While the deputy addressed Wood, Wood brought the pipe from his shoulder, letting the bundles slip to the ground.  Wood took a stance with the pipe, holding it horizontally in both hands in front of his...

A new chapterHistoric La GaritaTrading Post looksto the future

By Kim Black In the quiet expanse of Colorado’s SanLuis Valley, La Garita Trading Post standsas a symbol of history, community andfamily resilience. Established in the 1880s,this trading post has evolved from itsorigins as a hotel in a mining camp to afocal point for local ranchers, hikers andtourists.Today, the family-run establishment isowned by Marlin and Alma Sauder underthe stewardship of their recently marrieddaughter, Esther Miller, and her husband,Joel Miller.In January, the Millers officially tookover operations and are in the process ofbuying the property. For the Millers, running the trading post is a way of life. “We want toraise a family, and I’ve always wantedto have the family involved in thebusiness. I believe it’s good for thechildren and it's a good way to raisefamilies,” Esther said.Esther, who...

From our current editions

A new chapterHistoric La GaritaTrading Post looksto the future

By Kim Black In the quiet expanse of Colorado’s SanLuis Valley, La Garita Trading Post standsas a symbol of history, community andfamily resilience. Established in the 1880s,this trading post has evolved from itsorigins as a hotel in a mining camp to afocal point for local ranchers, hikers andtourists.Today, the family-run establishment isowned by Marlin and...

Crestone Charter School newsNew faculty introduced for 2024-25 school year

By Thomas ClearyCrestone Charter School directorCCS welcomes more new staff tosupport our growing student numbersand programming! Last monthwe shared the profiles of the ExperientialEducation Coordinator, onsiteSpecial Education Teacher, Curricularand Instructional Support Lead,and Greenhouse Specialist. Thismonth we introduce the new MiddleSchool Science and Math Teacher,Music Specialist, Elementary Aide(one more is still pending, apply atCCS), Reading...

Education in the SLVTeachers at Moffat Schools listen to a presenter during their Capturing Kids’Hearts training in August. photo from Moffat Schools Facebook page427...

Moffat Consolidated School Districtannounced the following newhires for the coming school year.Kevin SchouweilerMaster of Education + 12 hours of administrationI have taught Secondary Mathematics,College Exploration & Career,and Principles of Arts, Audio, Video,Technology, & Communication courses.My family and I are coming herefrom New Braunfels, Texas. We residedthere for the last 5 years. Prior tothat, we...

Youth Programming Initiative an outgrowth of communitymeetings and recognized needs

By Cathy GoevertFrom the Community Town Hallmeetings recently conducted it wasrecognized that the Crestone-BacaCommunity youth need enrichmentopportunities. This Initiativeis designed to provide opportunitiesfor the community to demonstratetheir commitment to the area youthand to provide an opportunity forthe area youth to demonstrate theircommitment to the community.With that guiding light as the directive,the Crestone-Baca CommunityAlliance-Youth ProgrammingInitiative...

Enzer’s Mountain Laurel a new (old) apothecary

By Lori NagelLaura Enzer is by no means astranger to setting up her MountainLaurel Apothecary shop, this beingher third location in almost 4 years.However, this time she feels likethis new home for the shop may bearound for quite a while. As she putsit, “This is technically the third one,and the third time’s the charm,...

On The Shoulder Of: Mary Lowers

By Chantelle PenceOn The Shoulders of “That’s notCrestone.” Mary Lowers said.We were on the back porch of herhome, visiting over ice tea that sheserved up with warm hospitality.She spoke of some deer that gotplowed into in a hit and run, recently,and how the Crestone-Baca areais at a crossroads of change.The community that was oncecharacterized...

The Aurora Borealis and the Yeshe Rangsal Stupa with bonus appearance by the International Space Station on May 11, 2024 in a composite from time lapse sequences. photo by Mike Lewinski

Little Bela got on stage with two members from the band The River Arkansas, at T-Road's Open Mic night, Thursday, July 25. Bella is the son of one of the players. photo by Matt Lit

Fog hangs in the trees looking north up North Crestone Creek. photo by Stephen Hume
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The September 2024 issue is on sale! Get the full story with the full edition. $3 digital download. Click the image below.


Ordinance No. 003-2024


Ordinance No. 004-2024


Ordinance No. 005-2024


Notice of Public Hearing

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of public hearing before the Board of Trustees of Crestone, Colorado at 1:30 p.m. on the 28 day of October 2024, located in the chambers of the Board of Trustees,...

Community Outreach Fire Mitigation Gathering

Attention, Town of Crestone! Join us for an important Community Outreach Fire Mitigation gathering at The Elephant Cloud Cafe on October 11 th , from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. This is a...

Saguache County is seeking an On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Inspector.

The On-Site Wastewater Treatment System Inspector for Saguache County is responsible for maintaining and enforcing public health regulations relating to the community’s environmental health.  Through investigation, inspection, education and enforcement, the On-Site Wastewater...

Public Hearing at the Saguache County Road and Bridge

The Saguache County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing at the Saguache County Road and Bridge meeting Room located at 305 – 3rd Street, Saguache, Colorado, on the following date:  THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3,...

Request for Proposals:

Civil Engineering Design and Construction Administrative Services for On-Site and Off-Site Improvements Range View, Saguache, Colorado Northwest Real Estate Capital Corp. is soliciting civil engineering firms to provide a civil engineering design and construction administration...

Yard Sale Apocalypse

All Buddhas Must Go. Pinewood Overlook, Baca. Follow signs. Saturday/Sundays 9am-12 thru September, Mostly guy stuff, fencing, posts, Gates, Tools, XL camo. Tac Molle, Large Amethyst Geode, 16ft enclosed Trailer. And much more. *Cash.

Forest Reserve Title III Proposed Project- Kundalini Fire Management

The Saguache County Board of Commissioners is soliciting public comment on a proposal to spend Forest Service Title III funds for the following project: E3 KFM Kundalini Fire Management, is requesting funding to reduce...

Forest Reserve Title III Proposed Project- Dharma Sangha

The Saguache County Board of Commissioners is soliciting public comment on a proposal to spend Forest Service Title III funds for the following project: Dharma Sangha Crestone Mountain Zen Center to continue to supplement...

Forest Reserve Title III Proposed Project-Baca Grande Fire Department

The Saguache County Board of Commissioners is soliciting public comment on a proposal to spend Forest Service Title III funds for the following project: Baca Grande Property Owners Association - Fire Department is proposing...

Forest Reserve Title III Proposed Project- Firewise Program

The Saguache County Board of Commissioners is soliciting public comment on a proposal to spend Forest Service Title III funds for the following project: Daniel S. Johnson – Saguache County Firewise Program, to continue...

Notice of Public Hearing on Petition for Inclusion of Real Property in the Baca Grande Water and Sanitation District

Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that a Petition for Inclusion of Real Property has been filed with the Board of Directors of the Baca Grande Water and Sanitation District on...

Furnished Garden Apartment

900 sf Garden Apartment, Nicely appointed kitchen, Sealy Pillow-Top Mattress, Beautiful Fenced/Landscaped Grounds with water feature, Pvt. Entrance, W/D, Private, Quiet. Sitting Rm./Office with large closet. Quiet Nurse lives in upper unit.  Seeking...

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor criteria:
We’re glad you’re part of this community. Here’s how it works:
Max Length: 350 words. If your letter is longer than this, we will return it to you to trim.
Must include: author’s name, town/city, organization affiliation (if relevant), contact information in case we have a question. Contact information will not be published with your letter. The decision to print any letter to the editor is completely at the discretion of The Crestone Eagle editor, and we reserve the right to edit all letters. Letters considered libelous, obscene, in bad taste, or containing personal attacks will not be printed. Form letters and letters containing long lists of names will not be printed. Anonymous letters will not be printed. Thank-you letters are welcomed and encouraged, and letters regarding local news and issues will be prioritized.

Send letters to by the 16th of the month.
Thank you.

Villa Grove FD thanks

To the community, Our Villa Grove/Bonanza VFD annual fundraiser on June 22nd was a huge success. We greatly appreciate our community and donors that continue...

What we can do

Dear community,  With the recent Supreme Court decision on Presidential Immunity, it is clearer than ever that this election is a choice between Democracy and...

NHN Thanks

Dear community, On behalf of Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Crestone, a big thanks goes out to the entire community, volunteers and the Baca Grande Property Owners...

Features from our B Section: "Living on the Earth"

Buffalo Soldiers: A tribute to the Buffalo Soldiers and their place in SLV history

by Brandon Gonzales.  Having been shaped for thousands of years by many different Indigenous nations, and more recently by non-Indigenous settlers, the San Luis Valley (SLV) has always been a crossroads of different cultures and traditions. The Fort Garland Museum is showcasing a sliver of the region’s unique human history with their newest exhibit, Buffalo Soldiers: reVision. The exhibit draws from the work of 8 artists to explore the legacy that the “Buffalo Soldiers” left on the SLV and its peoples during American western expansion.  For some background, the Buffalo Soldiers were six Black cavalry regiments that were established by Congress...

Beavers in the SLV: Why you should start giving a dam about this keystone species

By Zaylah Pearson-Good. Due to a history of hunting and habitat loss, beaver colonies have diminished across the San Luis Valley in the last few centuries. Though beaver populations are stable in parts of the Valley, efforts are underway to restore the species to key waterways that they once occupied. Beavers play a major role in maintaining ecological balance, protecting endangered fish and mitigating the impacts of wildfire.   It takes a beaver approximately 24 hours to completely re-engineer an ecosystem. These stout, orange-toothed rodents use sticks, mud, leaves and grasses to build watertight dams that slow and redirect water across...

Partnership: Utes partner with USDA

Reprinted from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. DENVER, CO—Southern Ute Indian Reservation - A historic partnership is forging between the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and the United States Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Through the USDA or NRCS Agency's Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), the entities have jointly entered an alternative funding arrangement (AFA) to improve rangeland resiliency and health on Tribal lands. This project is funded through the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). "This is an exciting partnership", said Clint Evans, NRCS State Conservationist in Colorado. "The Southern Ute Indian Tribe is the first Tribe in the...

La Colcha: Weaving history with present day HEART

By HEART of Saguache. The San Luis Valley Colcha Embroidery project recently hosted a free workshop at the Saguache County Museum in early June. The workshop was at capacity, with most of the attendees being residents of Saguache County.  Participants delved into the history of colcha embroidery in the San Luis Valley, learned the traditional colcha stitch, and examined artwork examples and a library of publications on the topic. Afterwards, everyone picnicked in the front of the museum.  HEART thanked its dedicated instructors from San Luis and Monte Vista, who traveled to Saguache to lead the workshop: Maria Eufemia Barela, Donna Madrid Hernandez, Aurora Martinez, and Julia...

Hiking in the SLV:  Discovering the hidden oasis of San Luis Lake State Wildlife Area

By Tegan Welsch-Rainek Just beyond the edge of the Great Sand Dunes National Monument, nestled at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo range, lies the San Luis Lake State Wildlife Area. This time of year, it's a hidden oasis brimming with water and life. The recent snowmelt and rains have revitalized the grasslands, wetlands, and lakes, bringing the area to life. Setting off on my journey, I noticed a storm brewing over the Sangre de Cristos and the distant sand dunes. The clouds cast a purple hue over the dunes, but beams of sunlight still pierced through, creating a striking...

White Mountain Farm

Sustaining the legacy of an ancient crop By Anya Kaats. Paul New’s family has been farming in the San Luis Valley (SLV) for more than 100 years, going back to around 1917. Originally the News grew organic wheat, alfalfa, and raised sheep, but in 1984, New’s father Ernie, alongside their friend John McCamant, started experimenting with quinoa. In 1987, White Mountain Farm was incorporated and became the first large-scale quinoa operation in North America, located in Mosca, CO.  Known as “The Mother Grain” of the Incas, quinoa has been cultivated for over 5,000 years, originating from the Andean region of South America, particularly...

Valley Roots Food Hub: Multi-farm brings fresh to the table

By Maria Karahalios. Valley Roots Food Hub Mosca, Colorado—Valley Roots Food Hub (VRFH) launches the Summer 2024 Fresh Box multi-farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program on June 20 through September 11. The program runs alongside the fresh harvest season to bring shareholders fresh and local produce from growers across the Colorado bio-region.  Every Thursday, shareholders will receive a box of specially curated produce that aims to supplement a family of two to three people. In addition to the produce, shareholders will receive a weekly newsletter filled with valley happenings, producer bios, creative recipes, warehouse highlights, and how to store produce. For June,...

Empowering the heirs to the Sangre de Cristo Land Grant

An interview with Move Mountains Project Executive Director, Shirley Romero Otero By Anna Lee Vargas. Since its official inception in 2014, Move Mountains Project (Move Mountains) has served as an art and entrepreneurship community education program that builds sustainable platforms for the youth leaders of San Luis, Colorado. Move Mountains’ mission is to encourage youth, as heirs to the Sangre de Cristo Land Grant, to develop deeper understandings of art, resource preservation and entrepreneurship in order to empower active community citizens through a focus on local and global social justice issues.  Since lack of employment is a major obstacle for youth of...

From our columns...

Sports season nears end for school year

By Ziah Knight-Pesqueira. Basketball Wrap Up - Boys and Girls Following the end of the basketball season, all seniors from both girls’ and boys’ teams participated in the Arby’s All Star Game. Seniors from teams around the San Luis Valley (SLV)  region were able to practice and compete together one last...

CCS students to create mural for Crestone Town Park stage

By Sequoia Sirois The town of Crestone has always had many community projects going on throughout the years. Projects range from cleaning up the roads of trash for Earth Day, establishing a new town park for the kids, to building a new show stage for community performances.  This year a new...

Sports transition: Bball ends and track runs

By Ziah Knight-Pesqueira  HS Boys Basketball ends After a tough 73-39 playoff loss against the Stratton Eagles the Moffat Cowboys season officially comes to an end. The Cowboys finished their season with a 13-8 record while also qualifying for the Colorado Regional Playoff. Over the course of the past four years...

Puerto Rico! 

CCS Seniors mix education, culture, art and fun in their out-of-country trip By Sequoia Sirois. The Crestone Charter School (CCS) gives amazing diverse learning opportunities to all students.  LINK high schoolers are given the lucky chance to go places out of the United States mainland. LINK is a reference to seniors...

Moffat Archers participated in the 2024 NASP Colorado State Virtual Tournament on Tuesday, February 27th, with 30 students participating. This is the most important tournament of the season for our archers. Competitors will shoot 30 arrows to score. Scoring officials will submit results to the State NASP Coordinator and...

Moffat sports 

By Ziah Knight-Pesqueira  Moffat Boys Basketball: The Moffat Cowboys have finished the regular season with a 13-6 record; solidifying themselves a place in the regional playoffs. The Cowboys most recently faced the Sierra Grande Panthers in a district play-in tournament. Unfortunately, the team came short, taking a 48-43 loss in a...

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